Christian healing

Healing happens! I wanted a place to share the sweet stories of God's grace and power that people send to me. Lift up your heart with joy to the Lord! Rejoice, be glad, and praise God's wonderful works to the children of men.

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Newport Beach talk afterglow

We wanted to let you know what a powerful healing wake has been left following Elise Moore's, "God is Speaking to You" talk for our Newport Beach Churches (#1 and #2) and the Costa Mesa Church that, combined, sponsored it in the Costa Mesa Community Center on April 7th.

This past Wednesday night we had 8 testimonies and 7 of them talked at length about the application of the lecture's ideas in a myriad of situations -- from business, to health, to teaching Sunday School. It was thrilling and only sorry we didn't have a recorder to share with Elise Moore.