Christian healing

Healing happens! I wanted a place to share the sweet stories of God's grace and power that people send to me. Lift up your heart with joy to the Lord! Rejoice, be glad, and praise God's wonderful works to the children of men.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Stolen handbag returned!

At a Weds testimony meeting a mother spoke of her daughter who was looking for work in California. The daughter rang her in St Louis from the beach in California in tears as her bag with all her money and job references had been stolen. Someone approached her and said he thought he knew who had taken the bag and went off to check where this other chap lived.

The mother said she quietly listened and felt directed to ask her daughter where her cell phone was. Her daughter said it was in the stolen bag, so she suggested they both keep ringing the cell phone number. The man who had approached her daughter later returned with the bag intact (nothing stolen). He had found his friend, who admitted stealing the bag, but said he had thrown it away in the sand-dunes as “it just kept ringing”!!

- Perth Australia

Listening to God avoids an accident

At a Perth Australia testimony meeting....

Stories in the recent lecture "God is Speaking to You" reminded me of a time when I was travelled in a car being driven at high speeds on poor country roads with several others to attend a Christian Science Lecture in another city. The driver suddenly had the thought that he must stop the car for no apparent reason. He did so and walked around the car in time to hear a wheel nut fall off inside one of the hubcaps. He found that several of the wheel nuts had worked dangerously loose, and all in the car expressed gratitude for the clear message which had saved them from a severe accident.

- Perth Australia