Christian healing

Healing happens! I wanted a place to share the sweet stories of God's grace and power that people send to me. Lift up your heart with joy to the Lord! Rejoice, be glad, and praise God's wonderful works to the children of men.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Healing of eyesight and knee Espanol y English

A regular visitor in the Christian Science Reading Room in Dover obtained a Ciencia y Salud from our Reading Room and returned about a month later to share this healing. The Reading Room librarian asked him to write it down and translated it into English. He has since returned to Costa Rica.
- L. Stewart

Curaciones espirituales despues leendo Ciencia y Salud
Por C. Villalobos, Costa Rica & Dover, NJ

Commence a leer le libre gracias a que me fui prestado en al Sala de Lectura de las cuidad de Dover [NJ].

Desde el principio de la lectura, e intereso ir concocer mas sobre esa Verdad se hacia cada vez mayor; pero a la vez mi salud; deterioraba tambien mas. Dolores en todo – mi cuerpo, cabeza, fiebre, dolor de oidos y mas. Mi vista ya no era tan buena como antes mucho menos para leer. Pero mi deseo por dichas escrituras, me despertaba de madrugada y seguia leeindo mas.

Al llegar mi lectura en el genesis y terminar con el apocalypses. Me asombre de tanta lectura sin cansancio, sintiendome sano y tambien. No teniendo un dolor que padecia en mi rodilla derecha a raiz de un golpe muy fuerte.

Ahora cada vez me siento mejor y mi deseo de conocer mas sigue creciendo. Gracias a Dios y Ciencia y Salud.

En la lectura tenemos que oir la voz de Dios.

I started to read the book thanks to the Christian Science Reading Room in the city of Dover [NJ].

Ever since the beginning of reading the book, I was interested in knowing more of the Truth. My interest increased each time I read. But at that time my health deteriorated. I was sick all over – my body, my head had a fever, ear ache, my vision made it hard to read.

My desire for studying the Scriptures made it hard to sleep. I read more. I read from Genesis to the Apocalypse. When I finished reading the book[Science and Health], I felt healthy, no sickness. My right knee problem from a fall had strengthened.

Now each time I read the book, I desire to learn more – to grow spiritually. Thanks to God and Science and Health. Through reading the book, I hear the voice of God.