Christian healing

Healing happens! I wanted a place to share the sweet stories of God's grace and power that people send to me. Lift up your heart with joy to the Lord! Rejoice, be glad, and praise God's wonderful works to the children of men.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Recording studio miracle!

My friend was involved in a voice recording session, and he had laryngitis. This was his first recording session,the pianist, space, and equipment could not be arranged for another time, and the deadline for the actual recording was the next day! He asked if I would please attend the session and ‘hold his hand’, so to speak. I asked my friend if he’d like me to pray. His eyes got big, and he said “yes please!”.

The words were given to me in that instant. I told him that manna was supplied to the Israelites for 40 years - exactly how much they needed, when they needed it. I assured him that we could count on this truth being true for us today and that he could be assured that he would have what he needed, when he needed it. That he needn’t worry about a thing - just trust that one truth - what he needed would be given when he needed it.

This is what I held on to for fifteen minutes or so before the session started, and throughout the session. As soon as he needed to sing, his voice was there. Clear as crystal. The session went smoothly, and there was such an uplifted atmosphere in that room! When the session was over, his voice was ‘gone’ again. He had what he needed, when he needed it.
-L. Gratis

Harmonia con la aduana por oraciones

Un hombre me enseñó cómo se atrapa un mono: Con un recipiente pesado con un solo pequeño orificio abierto por donde el mono puede meter la mano introducimos algo interesante para el mono asegurándonos que el mono nos observa cuando lo hacemos. Luego nos alejamos. El mono no tardará en intentar sacar el objeto del recipiente: mete la mano, siente el objeto, lo toma y cierra el puño. Listo! El puño cerrado del mono ya no pasará por el orificio y el mono no podrá sacar la mano. Podemos tomar el mono con facilidad, abrir el recipiente, sacarle el objeto de la mano y retirar la mano por el orificio. Si tan solo el mono supiera que soltando hubiese sido liberado, y si hubiese soltado aquello que lo captaba, no podría ser atrapado tan fácilmente.

Muchas veces me veo atrapado por aquello que parece captarme: el enojo, la ira, la amargura, el temor, el sentido personal, el orgullo… y tantas cosas más, a veces muy engañosas y sutiles.

En la empresa donde trabajo importamos accesorios para máquinas industriales. Un día a última hora de la tarde recibí una llamada telefónica de un funcionario de la aduana. Con cordialidad me propuso que auspiciemos una revista que publica la aduana. Con corrección le respondí que no estaba en nuestro presupuesto realizar tales auspicios.

Me contestó que lo lamentaba porque podrían ayudarnos en el caso de una inspección o trámite. A las dos semanas recibimos una citación de la aduana informándonos que en un plazo de 15 días debíamos presentar documentación que demostrase que los precios declarados en una importación realizada hacía unos 6 meses eran veraces.

Esta citación me molestó. La asocié con la llamada del funcionario. Implicaba dedicarle tiempo; tiempo que dedicaba normalmente a mi trabajo y que no es preparar papeles para demostrar que lo que hacemos no es engañoso. Debía ahora preparar información y presentarla en una forma que pudiese ser comprendida por la aduana.

Una mañana, con la información recopilada, inicié mi viaje de aproximadamente media hora en auto hasta la Central de Aduana. Mientras conducía iba rumiando mentalmente los argumentos que podría utilizar para contrarrestar los posibles cuestionamientos que la aduana podría esgrimir. ¡Qué fastidioso me resultaba todo eso! ¡Qué manera de hacerme perder el tiempo! ¡Seguramente lo que buscaban era una coima!... cosa que no iba yo a consentir… etc. etc. Esta forma de pensar me generaba tensión. Como estudiante de Ciencia Cristiana estoy acostumbrado a orar cuando tengo un problema de cualquier índole. Reflexioné y me dije: “no estoy orando”. “Debo ver a la otra persona como hijo de Dios, y que hay una sola Mente que nos gobierna a todos”. Pero con el siguiente suspiro me encontré nuevamente discutiendo con mi imaginario funcionario de aduana. Claramente mi trabajo en oración estaba desorientado. Las palabras eran correctas pero el pensamiento no estaba acertado. Fue entonces que recordé el relato para atrapar al mono. Yo estaba en la posición el mono: atrapado; debía “soltar” para estar en libertad; liberarme de la angustia, la incertidumbre, el nerviosismo.

¿Qué debía soltar? “Temor”, “enojo”, “fastidio”, el “aparente derecho a sentirme ofendido”.
Cuando me di cuenta: solté. Nada de eso me pertenecía. Nada de eso era bueno. Todo eso me estaba engañando; y yo lo podía soltar allí mismo; en el auto donde estaba… y lo hice. Lo único que quedaba entonces en mi pensamiento era: soy hijo de Dios ¡y el funcionario también!
Me llenó una sensación de paz y tranquilidad. Cuando percibí que era fruto del proceso de “soltar” me llenó la alegría.

Maneje tranquilamente desde entonces hasta la aduana. El tráfico no me molestaba. Me encontré dejando avanzar a los demás antes que yo, (cosa poco común en la ciudad donde vivo).
Cuando llegué a la oficina de aduana donde debía presentarme había una oficina grande con varios escritorios, algunas personas trabajando, algunos hombres vestidos de traje y corbata, las mujeres muy bien vestidas, y había un hombre un tanto desarreglado, sin saco, sin corbata, mostrando algo de camiseta debajo de la camisa; su cabello necesitaba la asistencia de un peluquero… y bueno, desentonaba con el resto. Ese hombre era con quien yo debía hablar. En el instante solté “prejuicio”. Me acerqué a su escritorio, me senté, presente los primeros papeles, los miró una vez, otra vez, y me dijo: “no veo porque lo han citado, esto está todo en orden. Usted es una persona ocupada y esto lo ha sacado de su trabajo. Le pido disculpas.” Firmó una constancia, le agradecí su atención, y volví a mi trabajo… conduciendo tranquilamente. Tengo total convicción que la armonía que se manifestó fue resultado de la presencia del Cristo en mí y en el funcionario, y de mi estado de conciencia resultante al poder soltar aquello que me estaba engañando.
- E. Bush

Healed during lecture

I attended your talk/workshop Sunday, May 5 in Huntington Beach, CA. The concept of the machete and helicopter methods of prayer had quite a healing affect upon me. My hands had acquired several deeply inbeded thorns and slivers (from rose garden trimming) a few days before your talk. I had even tried to remove them myself but with no success. Sometime during the lecture they vanished. Later that evening I realized that my hands were not hurting and as I examined them I couldn't even remember the location of the slivers. My skin was perfectly clear, normal. Thank you.

There's a little more to the sliver testimony that makes it special. My grandpa lived with our family and always watched over me. Grandpa would always remove slivers and take care of all my "little hurts" (I was not raised in Christian Science). After I was married the sliver removing activity fell to my husband. I work in the garden and do quite a bit of work involving wood and boards, so the chance of getting slivers is high. Recently my husband passed away, it was sudden and unexpected. I've been dealing with the grieving process ever since ( I'm making good progress, but still not quite 100% yet).

While doing rose clipping a few days before I heard your talk, I aquired quite a few slivers and some throns. This made me think of my husband's loving care for me in the past. I felt lonely and sad. I tried to remove them but without success. I started to cry, then this thought came to me from Isiah 54:5 It reads in part "For thy Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is his name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel;" When I discovered that my hands were totally free and my skin perfectly clear after your talk, it meant a great deal more to me than a healing of slivers. Thank you.
-A. McNeilly

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Turtles on the way to church

Well, I was on my way to church, and I wanted to think absolute thoughts to prepare for Sunday School. So I listened for how to start, and it came really clearly to consider God as Father. All sorts of Father-qualities came to mind, like protection, guidance, wisdom. Principle-qualities came, too, like having every detail perfectly planned, including even the least of all ideas in perfection. I was really enjoying myself and what I was hearing.
Then I turned onto the street where my church is. It has a double yellow line, two lanes either way, but it's a fairly quiet stretch of residential road (as quiet as you can get for my area, anyway). Almost as soon as I turned onto it, I noticed a box turtle crossing the street. Now the next part of this took place in the space of about two minutes: I ended up passing it because, well, it came up so quickly, and it was also already to the other side of the yellow lines where I couldn't really pull over to it. I think I must've instantly reached out in prayer to see what I could know that would be helpful, and two thoughts came: 1) God is always talking to that turtle, and 2) if that turtle doesn't listen, then God will talk to someone else who will then protect it. Right after that, two cars passed me going the other direction. I actually told them (in the silly way I sometimes talk to other drivers as my friends) that the turtle was there, although I knew it wasn't up to me to communicate that to them. Then a suggestion came that I had been like the Levite or the priest, passing the turtle by in its time of need, so just as I came to the entrance to my church parking lot, I decided to go back and make sure it got across the street. As I approached the place I'd seen it last, one of those cars I'd passed was stopped and had its hazards on, and the turtle was just about to the curb. I was pleased, but not surprised, and a little ashamed that I didn't just trust it--that I had to be Thomas and come see evidence.
But then came the really great--really humbling part. Just as I'd turned back around to go to church, the still, small voice said, "Now, that is Father." (!!!) To me that meant that the whole experience was an illustration of the concept of Father. It included my desire to know the truth, and my inspired thought, it included the turtle and the passers-by's receptive thought, it included the fact that there was never even a POSSIBILITY that the lil turtle wouldn't be cared for. And then I realized that Father also included me learning a lesson--my own Sunday School right before Sunday School. I have to say, I teared up a little! I was so grateful, and that just set the tone for the rest of my day.
- Erin

Saturday, May 17, 2008

God is not in the fire

I was driving home from Orlando and had to exit freeway in Melbourne due to smoke on I95 (common in summer). Was driving down US 1 about 10 miles from home and it was closed due to a fire. So I was told how to get home, I drove right by the fire and prayed to know all was well (seemed fairly small just alot of smoke). In the am talked to my sister who said there was a large 5,000 acres wildfire going in the area I drove through and another in an adjacent community. The thought came that I should check on a woman I had ridden with who owned property near where I drove by the fire. I was able to reach her through another friend and I offered our property (we are on new land-later on that demonstration). She stated she was fine and thanks for the offer.

When I was out at our property you could see the 2nd fire just to the west of us and building, I went home and began to pray. The verse: He shall give his angels charge over thee, to keep thee in all thy ways and the 23rd Psalm. I especially held to He shall lead me beside still waters. It was the leading and stillness that I seemed to need.

Later that afternoon my friend called and stated I was the only one she could reach she and another women with horses needed to evacuate. I called our friend, told her Pat needed us and we picked up all the horses (11 in total). And put them on our two properties. From a human standpoint it was pretty scary, but I was able to see beyond and see the calm and protection. When I arrived for the second load of horses this woman was pretty shaken and stated that God had given her this property and know was taking it, I stopped her and said no, God never takes what he has given. I then told her I was praying with the 23rd Psalm and the other verse from the 91st. She looked at me, her eyes got soft and said yes her friend had the 23rd on her wall and she would pray with that, and that God had given her their home. She seemed much calmer and we went about our business. After dropping off the horses she and her husband went home to do what they could. I learned the next day the fire came up to her property and stopped.

Well, the fire near us got a lot worse and we began to talk about the possibility of having to evacuate. That night I prayed to still my thoughts and know that God was in control and all would be lead to do what was right for all involved. The next morning the wind had shifted so it seemed we were going to be out of the fires path. That afternoon there became real concern that it might affect us after all. So, I came home, to get my thoughts right. The online chat was going so I turned that on and just listened and then they ended with thoughts on the events in China, exactly what I needed. Worked on readings for Board mtg using 91st Ps and the 1st P of the answer to What is Mind? I went outside to go to the horses around 5:30 and it appeared that the fire had been contained and greatly reduced. REJOICE!

-DL Florida