Healed of yellow jacket stings
On one beautiful day in August I was trimming ivy from a small wooden bridge in our front yard. I inadvertently disturbed a nest of "yellow jacket" wasps. They swarmed me and began stinging me. At first I panicked and ran screaming into the back yard. Then I calmed down and began to think the Truth that God has given me dominion over every living thing. I also thought about St Paul when he was bitten by a viper. He was calm, confident and unharmed. I tried to finish the trimming job but the wasps were still angry and so I went in the house. The numerous stings were burning and swollen. I began to read in Science and Health and as I read the burning stopped and the swelling began to go away. I was calm and comforted. An added blessing from this incident is that I was healed of some angry thoughts I had been harboring for a long time. The wasps demonstrated to me how senseless (Mindless) anger really is.
- Carol
- Carol